What Mistakes Do People Make That Could Affect Their DUI Case?
The biggest mistake is they don’t do anything. They don’t hire an attorney to consult with them and request a discovery file. And quite often they let it run right up until about a week before the trial date, and scramble to get an attorney because they’re going to lose their license. If you hire us when you get out of jail, we can enter our appearance with the court, and request that your trial be set within 30 days. If they can’t set the trial within 30 days, we asked them to grant an extension of your driving privileges. We get an order entered and we file all that with the department of public safety so you keep your driving privileges. But if you wait, I can’t do all that and your license is suspended by the time you get to me. With the discovery file, I see every moment of footage from the cop’s body and dash cam and any other audio or video recording device. I watch it from beginning to end and I read the officer’s statements, and I look at the Intoxilyzer report. I want to know when it was certified, and when the officer was certified. I’m going to break down that entire discovery file and go through it inch by inch, moment by moment, page by page. But if you wait until the absolute last second, I can’t do that. If it’s a day before trial, I’m begging the court to send it over to me and they might send me two hours’ worth of video footage from three or four different cameras. The second mistake is they tried dealing with the prosecutor on their own. They go up and they say, “I only had a couple of beers.” Well, you just admitted to the prosecutor that you’ve had a couple of beers, and that’s a statement against your interest, which is admissible in court.