DUI Defense

Will The Prosecutor Offer A Plea Deal In A DUI Case?

Generally, a prosecutor will not offer a plea deal until right before trial, sometimes a day or two before trial. They’re dealing with 50 to 100 plus cases per week, and you can’t get on their radar until you’re a week out. Usually. I won’t call a prosecutor any more than two weeks out because…

Will I Have To Meet With A Probation Officer Within The First 30 Days Of My DUI?

Probably Not The state of Mississippi, most likely not meet with anybody within the first 30 days of your arrest. First appearance You will likely have your initial appearance. If you don’t have your initial appearance in that first 30 days, it will be at some time period afterwards. But that should be the only…

What Mistakes Do People Make That Could Affect Their DUI Case?

The biggest mistake is they don’t do anything. They don’t hire an attorney to consult with them and request a discovery file. And quite often they let it run right up until about a week before the trial date, and scramble to get an attorney because they’re going to lose their license. If you hire…

What Information Is Required To Share With A DUI Attorney?

Everything’s Important Everything you can remember is important. I cannot stress how important it is to be completely honest, tell the good, the bad and the ugly. We need to know the facts on the front end. If we know there’s a bad fact out there, that we can take steps to address that and…

What Happens If I Refuse Blood Or Breath Test?

It Depends It depends on what kind of license you have in Mississippi. If you have just a regular driver’s license, you lose your license for 90 days through an administrative suspension. Then they send a letter to the address on your driver’s license, and you have 10 days from the date of that letter…

What Happens If I Am Being Stopped For The Suspicion Of A DUI?

The officer either pulls you over for what’s usually a minor traffic infraction. As the officer approaches the vehicle, you will roll down the window and he’ll ask for your license, your registration and proof of insurance, and you provide those documents. The officer will almost always say they smell the odor of intoxicating beverage…

What Are The Penalties Associated With The First, Second, And Third DUI?

DUI First Assuming someone has a regular driver’s license, the penalty for a DUI first offense in Mississippi carries 48 hours in jail and a fine of $250 up to $1,000. And it also results in a suspension of your driver’s license for 120 days. The statutes are very clear that you cannot reduce the…

What Are The Next Steps If I Enter A Plea Of Not Guilty In My DUI Case?

The very first thing I’m going to do is request your discovery. We are entitled to certain evidence and that includes video and audio recordings and reports, whether written by a police officer, the lab, or a witness statement. You are 100% entitled to that. And we’re going to review everything before we step foot…

What Are Some Possible DUI Defense Strategies In Mississippi?

The most common thing is, refuse the breathalyzer. There’s no record of any blood alcohol content. Here we say, heck no, don’t blow up. The absolute worst thing you can do is blow a 0.08., because at that point, once you blow 0.08 or greater, then we have to go and do a couple of…

Common Misconceptions People Have Regarding Their DUI Case

Probably the biggest misconception is that you can’t plead a DUI down to some sort of lesser offense. A lot of states offer it to where you can play it down to some kind of traffic violation or something of the sort. In Mississippi, that’s not an option. There is the option for non-adjudication, but…