Motor Vehicle Theft in Jackson Mississippi

Motor Vehicle Theft in Jackson Mississippi
Motor Vehicle Theft
Motor vehicle theft is relatively common around Jackson MS. Taking a vehicle without permission to deprive the owner of their car can result in an arrest. Cars are expensive, so as a result, motor vehicle theft can be a felony. If convicted, you’re looking at huge fines and years in prison. Even if you think you simply borrowed the car and are in trouble, speak with the Big Man at the Franks Law Firm.
What is Motor Vehicle Theft?
The FBI says motor vehicle theft is stealing a motor vehicle, and it can be anything that is a self-propelled vehicle that is not on rails. So, cars and trucks, as well as motorcycles and buses, scooters, sport utility and all-terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles. It doesn’t include bulldozers, farm and construction equipment, airplanes, motor, sail, and houseboats, or jet skis. Taking a motor vehicle for temporary use by persons with legal access is typically OK.
FBI Statistics
From 2010 stats, there were 737,142 motor vehicle thefts or 238.8 per 100,000 inhabitants
More than $4.5 billion was lost to motor vehicle thefts
72.9 percent of motor vehicles thefts were cars
Motor Vehicle Theft by Category
Cars include coupes, sedans, minivans, SUVs, station wagons, taxis, and convertibles. If a vehicle transports people from place to place, it’s most likely some sort of automobile. Trucks and buses typically commercially transport people and cargo and are included, as are pickup trucks and cargo vans. Motor homes are also trucks for this definition. Also included are motorcycles, snowmobiles, motor scooters, mopeds, trail bikes, all-terrain vehicles, motorized wheelchairs, and golf carts.
Tips to Prevent Motor Vehicle Theft
Always lock your vehicle and take your keys Don’t walk away from your car and leave it car running Park where there are plenty of lights Secure valuables by taking them with you or hiding them Valet attendants only need the ignition key. Lock your trunk and glove box, and keep those keys if you can Install an anti-theft device and ask your insurance company for a discount Motor vehicle theft and burglary happen the most during the summer. Be sure to lock your vehicle and take your belongings.
2018 Stats – Top 10 Stolen Vehicles
1) Honda Civic 2) Honda Accord 3) Ford Pick-Up 4) Chevy Pickup 5) Toyota Camry 6) Nissan Altima 7) Toyota Corolla 8) GMC Pickup 9) Dodge Pick-Up 10) Jeep Cherokee
Examples of Motor Vehicle Theft
The vehicle is taken when parked, unoccupied, and the owner is absent. Sometimes owner’s keys are stolen to get into the vehicle and remove it. Forged keys can also be used Opportunistic theft that is not planned and happens when a vehicle has been left running with the keys inside Carjacking is forced stealing with the owner in the car. It often includes the threat of violence. Sometimes the driver is held hostage, and charges can be ramped up to include assault and kidnapping Theft by fraud may include non-payment of a for-sale car.
What if You Didn’t Do Motor Vehicle Theft?
Let’s say you have a teenage son or daughter, and they took your car for a joyride at 3 AM. Typically the cops won’t look at that as motor vehicle theft, although your teenager might be in trouble for other things. Maybe a family member took a car when you didn’t expect it and returned it. However, not knowing what happened, you called the cops and reported a motor vehicle theft. Even if the police run the license and arrest your family member, the charges will often be dropped. To be motor vehicle theft, a person needs to steal the vehicle with no intent to bring it back.
What if You Got Consent?
If you had permission to use somebody’s vehicle, you shouldn’t be charged with motor vehicle theft. But, sadly, even friends and family will change their minds later, especially if you had a falling out with them. So be sure to communicate with them, and realize that even if you had permission before, you need to get it every time you borrow the car.
Doesn’t Intent Make a Difference?
The intent is paramount as it relates to criminal charges and convictions. The prosecution must prove that you intended not to return the vehicle. What’s more, it’s carjacking if you take the vehicle by force.
Motor Vehicle Theft Penalties
Mississippi law dictates up to 10 years in prison for a first-time offense. After that, second or third offenders can be looking at 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Keep in mind, a felony conviction is tough to recover from because you face things like voting restrictions, job hunt troubles, challenges getting loans, and regular background checks. It can follow you forever.
Call The Big Man Criminal Defense Lawyer Jackson MS
The Big Man at the Franks Law Firm/Big Man Law has your back and will fight to protect your civil liberties. So if you’re looking at charges for carjacking, motor vehicle theft, or joyriding, call a good criminal defense lawyer to protect your civil rights. Call the Big Man, Attorney Joey Franks, at (601) 773-7777 today. He’s the Criminal Defense Attorney for Jackson MS.